So many drunk people. I had forgotten what is like living here in the summer. I am very close to O’Donnell Square and the Bay cafe. So I can hear the drunk people stagger up the street who have been drinking since the afternoon in the sun.

Mmm saturday mornings

I am working on cleaning up some of the code behind projectphotos. As I hoped it fairly easy to get the code running on OSX. Mysql is installed, perl came with OSX so all I needed was a few perl modules. The hardest part was waiting for the dev tools to download from apple so I could run cvs and download the code to my laptop.

I haven’t done any shopping for ages part laziness part forcing my self to eat things I have in the freezer before buying more junk food.

So when it rolled round to 12:30 and wasn’t able to concentrate on what function does what. I packed up my laptop and the charger and walked down to the street to Kiss Cafe If anyone feel free to drop by and say hello.

I think i am in a music war. I just bought 4 beatles CD’s and they are now ripped and playing on my MP3 server downstairs. My apartment is one of those loft styles that I can hear everything downstairs, but with in minutes of starting the MP3 player I can hear bu-boom bu-boom that is out of sync with my song. I don’t think my player is very loud. I have turned down the bass to be nice to my neighbors