Crazy People

If someone said they had a website called and said they had an idea of putting a web cam on their cat and making it the star of the website. You would call them crazy right? If you click the link you will see that this is exactly what one of my friend is doing. I met the addorable cat a few months back and spent ages with a ribbon in my hand playing with him and the other cats that live there. The lucky cat has a custom made harness that the wireless camera is going to be attached to. All I can say is I love it and I hope it works.

Junk Mail

Don’t people get it? I don’t want junk mail. I came home tonight and there was at least three pieces of mail asking me if I would like a credit card. I didn’t even bother opening them. I then looked at my email boxfor a website I run and I see emails with subjects, “Secrets Of Wealth Creation”, “Stock market taking you for a ride”, “Add 1-4 Inches To Your Penis…Guaranteed”. Those were just a few of the many waiting for me to delete. Every where I turn people are asking me for my email address. Emm NOOOO! I am not going to give you my email address even if you are going to give me a dollar discount. I am at the point where I filter all email on my personal account. Your email has to be in my address book otherwise you get dumped in my junk folder. On one of my email addresses I just deleted 81 junk emails. Thankfully I have convinced MCI World com that I really don’t want to change long distance and I really do not want to speak to you ever again.