I did something dumb yesterday while talking to my parents. I hit the power button on my UPS and powered off all the ‘critical’ machines in my apartment. The firewall had to be rebuilt since it wasn’t loading modules. The sunbox had to be fsck’d manually. Took about 30 minutes to get everything up and running once I worked out what wasn’t up. I need to check the sunbox the dhcpd server since it didn’t auto start when the computer came back up.
Note to self. Move the ups from under the desk to some where I won’t kick it. Not that I am doing that till after I move.
I haven’t seen any evidence that they have been showing my apartment. Maybe I have scared them in to waiting till I have moved out. Or maybe I they have so many empty apartments that they don’t need to show mine yet. Or maybe they are being very sneaky about bringing people in. So far I haven’t noticed any door that have been closed or opened. Having a cat in the house means I have have to leave them in a set way or I might loose chunks of my carpet.

I think I have moved all my banking history from RMR Bank on my psion 5 to Quicken on my Mac.
Plus points
typing on a full sized keyboard.
being able to download stock quotes
I won’t loose everything if the psion dies
Reconciling is easier.
Can track investments easily

Bad points
Can’t schedule a transaction in an investment account
Can’t reconcile a loan acount
Doesn’t handle accounts in pounds sterling (everything is listed in dollars 🙂
Doesn’t handle purchases in a foreign currency like pounds sterling
Doesn’t download quotes for UK stocks

Thats all I can think of at the moment

Microcenter Rocks

I swore I wasn’t going to buy anything when I walked in the door, but that place has a habit of deals that you just can’t refuse. I walked out with
kingston 3 button optical usb mouse with scroll wheel ($8)
9 in 1 usb memory card reader ($10)
2 port KVM switch box ($24.99)
The 9 in 1 is really 4 in 1, but they claim all the different versions of the cards for there count, it is Compact Flash, Memory Stick, SSD, and something else I forget.
A two port KVM normally goes for $50, the mouse is normally $16, I don’t know how much the reader would have been.

My cat can be cute some times, she is sitting on my lap and I have my laptop on my knees. Every so often she notices that I have a hair band thingy round my wrist and pings me by biting it and pulling then letting go. Then she goes back to resting her head on my wrist as I am typing this.