Well this sucks, I am trying to find a good camera shop in Baltimore city. Abbey camera looked interesting but as on June 19th they have closed down. Anyone know a good camera shop in Baltimore?

Ok, I admit it I watch MTV’s undressed, but does any else believe that the 3 high school Geeks, Nerds, or what ever you want to call them really high school they look about 25 to me

I am still searching for the prefect smoothy in Baltimore. Today I tried Maggie moos in fells point. It looked promising, 1 1/2 bananas, 3 scoops of sorbets ice cream and then OJ. It gets a 6-7 out of 10.

The bench mark is the smoothy shop in Tysons Mall in VA, I still haven’t found anything that beats it. It is something like 1 1/2 bananas, some soft ice cream, some berries, some ice cubes and then a little water.

I am now offically taking the water taxi to work in the morning. I signed up for a monthly pass this morning. Actually it is only valid till the end of june becuase they issue them at the start of the month. I also came home last night spent an hour by the pool then tried to finish scanning another roll of film, but I only got half way through it.

Spent part of last night rescanning 4 rolls of negatives. This is the first batch of photos that I am using the scanner for so I am still getting used to the software. It turns out that the button with an up and down arrow doesn’t do a 180 rotation it does a mirror image. The problem is that I didn’t always use this button so I couldn’t just go back and mirror all the images I already have. I also moved the scanner to my desktop machine, but that has a habbit locking up when I use the TV card and do something else.
Life would be to simple if things just worked as you think they should work.