Geek Stuff:
My new computer officially rocks, except that the sound on the motherboard doesn’t work (replacement coming), the dvd player that comes with the graphics card crashes when I switch it into full screen under Win 2k, and there is something weird happening when I use the TV card in windows NT the machine just hangs but the tv pivture and sound still work. Linux is rock solid as ever 🙂
So this means that I can officially retire my 486. Ever since i put the latest Suse on that machine it seems to be running slower than it used to. I have moved email and the file serving stuff to my P200 which runs amazingly fast compared to my 486. The only thing left that I can think of is DNS and thats a piece of piss to move.

From the washington Post today
Its security unit unit alone received 18,000 resumes in the month after Sept 11
And I wonder why i never hear back about resumes I submit online?

Friday I went to an excellent concert Eddie from Ohio this was a lot better than there last concert I went to. They played two long sets.
Saturday we went to the Natural History Museum to see Amazing Caves. I think is this is the best IMAX film I have ever seen I recommend it if you get a chance to see it.
Today I was on my own so I decided to go down to the Skyline Drive to do some sun set photography. First rule of low light photography, bring a tripod (done) Second rule of low light photography bring the tripod clip that connects the camera the tripod (Drat and double drat). I thought was in my camera bag. I guess not. I toook most of the shots on film and a few on Digital.

HOV Sign

Fairfax exit Sign

This should never happen, I hand over my debit card at Micro Center, the guy swipes and asks “Is this your address…..” then tells me my address. I want to know where they got the list that links my credit card number to my address, I thought those items should never be connected. I don’t ever remember giving them my address before I normally make a stink about it, why should they need my address to buy computer bits. I know they have my address on file because I want their flyer, but I am fairly sure that I entered it on there web site, no credit card involved. Has anyone else noticed this?

Does anyone else really care?

The bits for my new computer are in MD since Saturday at 10:20 AM. I was very tempted to drive out to MD and go see if I could get the boxes. I found an address for UPS out there. It would have taken me about 40 mins each way. I have the map quest directions all printed out along with the tracking numbers. I tried phoning them but just got a recorded message saying call back Monday – Friday. So I resisted I would have loved to get the bit today but I think I would have been more annoyed if I got all the way out there and found a locked door or someone telling me sorry no can do. So I am waiting for the UPS man on Monday. Oooo UPDATE: the UPS site now says 11:33 PM UNLOAD SCAN. So looks like it was sitting on a trailer all weekend so I probably wouldn’t have been able to get them. UPDATE: 12:39 PM IN Transit to Dulles HUB.
So instead of driving out to MD I did some more work on I am have the shopping cart stuff working, I just need to write the order pages, then rescued a friend who’s car was towed. I got dinner out of the deal 🙂

Yesterday was fun but I now have some lovely bruises about the size of a quarter from a day spent paint ballling. A group of people from work (or used to work there, or knew someone who worked there) went paint balling in WoodBridgde We had about 20 people and six boxes (6000? balls) of paint between us. How needs to go shoot things with a real gun when you can go paintballing. This was a lot of fun but now I am a little sore.