This should never happen, I hand over my debit card at Micro Center, the guy swipes and asks “Is this your address…..” then tells me my address. I want to know where they got the list that links my credit card number to my address, I thought those items should never be connected. I don’t ever remember giving them my address before I normally make a stink about it, why should they need my address to buy computer bits. I know they have my address on file because I want their flyer, but I am fairly sure that I entered it on there web site, no credit card involved. Has anyone else noticed this?

3 thoughts on “”

  1. Yeah, they have done that to me… I feel it violates my right to privacy as well as my safety.

    I dont think it is fair for peopel to do that, you never know who could be standing behind taking notes…

    they used to ask your zip code for thier demographics, but they switched a few years back… I only shop there when i can’t help it because of it.

  2. yeah… i dont like it either..

    instead of goign to PanAm for that.. why not goto the 3 or 4 stores in the Tyson’s Corner area…

    off of Rt 7… cant remember all the names…

    oh.. you would be a good one to ask about curry houses… found any that have teh same standards as those at home..

    my favorite place is in Dundee off of Blackness Ave.

    2nd fav in London area.. dont know the street just sort of know how to get there! LOL

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