Every time I come home and am forced to dial in I am reminded that dialup sucks. All I want to do is view the Livejournal groups that have lots of photos. Download all my email from the 10 mailing list I am on. Oh and it would be nice to watch the 350 K real video that my Tivo is generating.

Happy Christmas to all of you guys how for one reason or another seem to read my journal. Don’t care what anyone else says it is Christmas where I am 🙂 but i am going to have to go sleep before I can open the presents. I heard there might be some snow in Baltimore but my web cam is refusing to show me anything more than streets of light from the street. I guess it is dark there.

I am really hoping that the new version of linux will be close enough to make my laptop a linux only machine. Or at least primary OS linux. My main requirements are be able to read email via imap over ssl, Read web pages, and play real video streams. Web pages I think the latest version of opera (v7) when it comes out for linux will solve my web browsing woes. I hope that Kmail in the latest version of kde (finger crossed) will allow me to junk outlook express. It does ssl but I didn’t like the fact that I could configure accounts to send out using different smtp servers. Real video is an issue. The latest version of Real player is version 8 and it won’t play content from the new helix servers. Which is what I am using for doing streaming video in my apartment.
Oh didn’t I mention that?
I bought a new computer. It is about the size of a ream of paper. It has a mini-itx motherboard (see mini-itx.com and it has my tv card in it. This was supposed to be my new firewall but I really really like an mp3 player in my living room that streams out 350K video streams from my tivo. Now if the tivoweb server didn’t keep locking up my tivo I would be very very happy.

Went to bed about 11pm, woken up by a fire alarm at 2:30 didn’t get back to sleep until 3:30. My water taxi to work is cancelled so now i am wondering if my 9am meeting is cancelled since that affect how or if I go to work today. I mean it doesn’t even look like an inch of snow from my window.