Stuck in DC

We made it back from NewYork to baltimore, but after seeing the roads on the way down from baltimore to DC. I have no intention of traveling back tonight. I am hoping the road will be clean tomorrow morning so I can make it back otherwise I will need to make emergency arrangements for my Kitty Cat.

I am loving this cell phone modem thing. I am on a bus to New York. we are going to to see what is happening for Chinese New Year. I really need to find out which set of minutes the dialup comes out of. We are a little worried about the weather. It is supposed to snow tonight in DC, but I think we will be back before the worst of it,

Geek time

Got the monitor on my newer mini-itx to come up with suse 9.0 and something bigger than 640×480.
I also upgrade the firewall on the other mini-itx to the latest and greatest version. So a general successful morning.

I got a package this morning, well I got the note in my mailbox saying there was a package. Hung around for 10 minutes no sign of anyone wanting to opent he mail room and give me my package so I drove to work.

I am on the Marc Train going from Baltimore to DC. I didn’t think I brought the USB cable for my phone but I pulled out my laptop bag and their it was. So I get to post an journal entry from the train as it takes me to DC. Technology is cool when it works.