Skiied at alta yesterday, man I have never had to ski on powder before and I snowed all yesterday afternoon, all night, and all day today. We decided to try snow bird today since it had the least snow over night. We took the tram to the top. When I got off it was so cold and windy my goggles had frozen on the inside. From there we skied a black that had a foot of fresh powder on it. I stopped every 5 or 6 turns because I was panting from doing the turns and the high altitude. We ended up skiing most of the day on what we thought was a blue or a hard blue. It turned out to be a green but because of the foot of fresh snow made it a lot harder. By the end of the day we were getting faster partly because the snow was a little better packed partly I was getting better. I love mogles made of fresh snow. You can hit them on a turn and its a nice soft hit rather than the hard stuff I am used to. At times I was skiing through pounder that went above my boots. This was fine till I needed to turn then I would generally end up flat on my face. Any way I am having fun. I think we are taking a day of rest tomorrow. Park city on thursday then find some where else for saturday or sunday. Warning don’t take a advanced beginner to the top of the snow bird tarm when 1 to 2 feet of snow have fallen and only blacks are openn also see my comment about the green earlier. And for those how know me that wasn’t my beginer am talking about. She fly in later in the week.


I have been listening to pod casts, i have been hearing about it for a couple months but I didn’t there wasn’t any content that finally me want to try it. A few weeks ago I heard the on the media (National Public Radio) was podcasting there show. I like the show but am rarely in my car when it is on. So I set up ipodder to download the on the media. I also set it to down load Adam Curry’s daily source code since he was the one that started the whole podcasting thing. I think I am addicted.

I also set up a skype account today to see what it was all about. I have tried using other services, but I can’t remember why I didn’t use it much

I came back from Houston last night. I was in Houston for the Bindview insight conference. I ended up doing my presentation on Bindview Controls place in an IT security organization twice. I had had a lot of fun presenting and got positive feed back so hopefully more in the future.

My cat is coming back today, she has been in DC for the last week since I was out of town in Houston. 🙂

I picked up my new skis today, so I thinking about going skiing tomorrow to try them out. I am also planning a skiing trip to salt lake city. On of the other guys at work wanted to take vacation at the same time I am out, but I gave notice about my trip months ago so I get to take mine.

After almost a year of living in my new house I finally hung the last of the photos that should have been hung months ago. I was planning on painting before hanging them but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I have the ski trip coming up, then a wedding. I was trying to get tickets for the tori amos concert in DC but they sold out in less than 24 hours 🙁 I am going to the Sarah McLachlan concert in May