should I be pissed?

I just got this email,
This email is a notice from the internet spelling police that your page contains an inaccuracy. Specifically you misspelled the word “inaccurate.” If your site was built by a “professional” web designer, we suggest you seek damages because it certinally doesn’t look professional with misspellings in it. If you built the page yourself, we commend you on contributing to the world wide web and invite you to find a spell checker and add it to your list of things to do before publishing a new page. There are several freeware spell checkers (some even on the web) that will do this service for you. Since almost without exception this particular misspelling occurred in an effort to correct someone else’s mistake, we encourage you to first look inward for areas that can be improved before being critical of others’ work.

Who gave them the right to say my spelling is crap. I know it is, so bite me.