A job posting for NYC

There is absolutely no way we will be considering H-1 visas of any type for this position. That means that there is no sponsorship available. That also means that comms skills need to be superior as well as having at least a 4 year degree from a top notch univerity with a very high GPA. 3.5 or better. The right person for this position knows who they are. Everyone please refrain from calling me. It will not be a very long conversation if you are not appropriate for the job. So, please do not feel discouraged if you are right for the job,, please call me. If you are not, simply click on to the next listing and call that person.

One thought on “A job posting for NYC”

  1. Talk about having issues. Jesus, their grammar sucks and they come off as a real bitch (male *or* female)!

    Give me their number.

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