Geek Stuff
This looks interesting. I have a vision. The vision is having a universal connection that allows all devices to know about each other and be able to talk indipendantly to each other. For example you have a DVD and a TV. You plug both into a network and they automatically find each other. One cable. I then add another TV upstairs to the network. It automatically finds the DVD player and allows you watch and control the DVD player remotely. I then add speakers to the network and they can be fed audio from any device on the network. You then Add a tivo. Any TV on the network can watch and control the Tivo. You can then add a computer and watch video from your dvd player.

I already have bits of this set up. I have a Tivo down stairs and a TV card in my computer so I can watch either the Tivo or live TV. Once I get some spare money i am going to add a serial cable connection from my TIVO a computer so I can remotely control the TIVO and also connect the TIVO out visa my cable modem so it doesn’t have to use my telephone line. This computer will also be an MP3 player for music downstairs. I have also played with real server and real encoder so I can take the output from my tivo and watch it on any computer on my network, but I wasn’t very happy with the quality of the image it produced. Using Obsequiuiem it would be possible to stream the audio across my internal network so I can play and control music in any room with a cheap computer and speakers. I have been thinkings about getting a bare bones PC with CDROM for about 200 dollars that I boot off a CD for the audio stations.

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