I got up this morning at 3:30 am to drive down route 1 to go watch the shuttle launch. It was assume. The shuttle was supposed to launch yesterday, but was delayed because of the cold weather. So yesterday I spent the day at the Kennedy Space Center which is a really really cool place. If you get a chance to visit this part of the world then you have to come here. I went on a up close to our that took me all round the NASA base. I stood next to the shuttle assembly building. I drove passed the run way where the shuttle lands. I watched 2 Imax films, one of them was in 3D which was really impressive. I went to a QA session with an astronaut. I got there at 9am and left at closing. I could have spent an over day there. Over all I am having a great time, except for getting access to the internet. The last two night I have been sleeping in my tent so no way to dial in. I am planning on spending a couple days in Fort Lauderdale

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