I got a hair cut this morning then I got very dirty. I have a TV jack in my back bedroom that didn’t appear to be connected to anything. I couldn’t find where the cable went. Since I had the day to my self I decided to go hunt for it. I have access to the crawl space in the roof, but it when they did the rehab they left some of the the orginal ceiling and built a new one under it. After some banging and removing chunks of the original ceiling I found it. I am also wanting to move my computers to a different part of the room so I ran a couple more network cables. After crawling round I ended up being covered in black dust from head to foot. I still haven’t got all the dirt off after a shower and a couple washes.
Since i have the TV jack working I put the TV card back in my main computer and I can watch TV while working on the computer. I also have the 2 flat 17 pannels working with suse 9.3, they are running at 1248×1024, which is strange since I couldn’t convince windows to run them at that resoluation. I will need to try installing the driver disk for the monitor to see what happens.

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