I am a little scared to check, but I got a new graphics card today and it has fixed my flickering screen on my 17inch flats. I originally bought the 2 17inch flats because the 2 17inch CRTs were flickering and I was at the point where I couldn’t use the computer. Then I started noticing that the flats were still flickering. I flipped on of the flats to the DVI cable and I got a perfect picture. So I thought that I needed to get a graphics card with 2 DVI connections. Then today I was in best buy and I saw a graphics card with 2 VGA connectors and I thought what the hell, if it doesn’t make any difference then I can just take it back. So now i have a rock steady picture on both flats and I am wondering if they 2 CRTS would work perfectly on it.

Oh well at least I get more desk space with the Flats.