I have been using vmware player for a few months now and was very impressed so I tried the free vmware server at work and now at home. The is server version is the one I really want to use. It allows you to run multiple instances and have them bootup and shutdown with the host computer. I have been noticing some serious hard disk slowness on the server at work. I was originally putting it down to a slow raid driver on linux but after whiching asterisk from vmware player to server this week I am going to blame vmware server. Asterisk was running very well with vmplayer but with server the cpu is sitting at a load of 2-3. Anything above 1 is bad news in linux land. I just created a new instance using asterisk@home 2.7 to see if anything has changed, otherwise I am flipping it back to vmware player till server comes outof beta. I have heard that the debug code in the beta server is to blame for a large chunk of the slowness.