7 thoughts on “”

  1. what!

    I thought you were staying, am I behind? Did you take another job here?

    and next time you goto the Birchmere, you need to call me!

  2. Re: creepy..

    You know I used my urber l33t computer skills to find out that you were leaving your job and then quit mine at the same time just so I could creep you out 😛

    Hope the new job works out for you. If you need any contacts in the baltimore area check with me, they don’t call it smalltimore for no reason.

  3. Yup, got all the visa paper work done and a new job lined up. I just have the fun of moving 2 cats and another body into a small one bedroom place in Courthouse, arlingon VA.

    Are you guys still planning on coming to the US for the summer?

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