I bought my self a 320 external firewire drive and I have been trying to back up my mac. One thing that is becoming obvious is I have a lot of files on my computer.

quick and dirty file count

for a in * ; do echo “$a” ;ls -Rl “$a” |wc -l ; done

Applications 267746
Applications (Mac OS 9) 1214
Desktop DB 1
Desktop DF 1
Desktop Folder 0
Developer 120859
Documents 12
Library 204173
Mobile Stream CDMA 1
Mobile Stream GSM 1
Network 3
System 100808
System Folder 1945
Trash 0
Users 288162
Volumes 10
automount 9
bin 39
cores 0
dev 309
etc 1
mach 1
mach.sym 1
mach_kernel 1
man 28
opt 47104
private 1898
sbin 63
tmp 1
usr 39331
var 1