bike stats from the weekend

We biked from court house to bethesda. I was on my old mountain bike since the C&O cannal isn’t that fun on skinny tires

there and back
Time: 1:18
Average: 13
Dist: 16.99
Max: 23
Odo: 334.8 (since I bought this odometer)

One thought on “bike stats from the weekend”

  1. wow, you went to Edinburgh U, like Ian Rankin and Irn-Bru? Are ya married? ^^ j/k. Hi, I was looking up Ian Rankin on favs, and came across you and decided to take a peek since you had the irnbru pic up, and here I am! Wanna friend me? I’m just getting introduced to Rankin, but I love what I’ve read so far and I would love someone to bounce ideas off of. I was born in Edinburgh but then had to go back to the states, (but I voted for the other guy) and I love returning to it every chance I get. Anyway, hope to hear from ya.

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