Phoenix Bikes

I met a couple people from Phoenix Bikes last week during a special event with Whole Foods. They had a mechanic in the parking lot tunning up bikes. Whole Foods also donated a portion of the sales for the day to Phoenix bikes. There website says

“Welcome to Phoenix Bikes! We are a little community bike shop serving folks in and around S. Arlington, VA.

Located in Barcroft Park, along the 4 Mile Run and WO&D bike trails, we work with young people in the community, building bikes and becoming leaders. In addition to participating in our Earn-A-Bike Program and other Phoenix Team activities, our young mechanics join staff and volunteers in serving Arlington’s biking community. We do tune-ups and repairs at low cost to area cyclists, and sell quality used bikes fit for the whole family. Stop on by the shop to check us out, chat for a few minutes, and get into the Arlington bike community.”

So I decided to go down on saturday to see what I can do to help. I ended up being there for a couple hours. I helped fix a rear brake on bike that didn’t have brakes. I put together two wheels with new tubes and tires and I installed a new cassette on a rear wheel.

Lots of fun for me, hopefully I will have more spare time to help them out in the future.

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