To followup on my previous post about doing ip to numeric address conversions. It turns out that the sql functions I linked to didn’t quite work, they were written with the assumption that you were storing the data as an INT rather than a BIGINT, so for values over it would store the number as a negative number in the database. My source data uses bigint so I got errors back when feeding in data that overflowed the int.
If you are interested I have included the edited functions after the link
drop function dbo.ipStringToInt go CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ipStringToInt ( @ip CHAR(15) ) RETURNS bigINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @rv bigINT, @o1 bigINT, @o2 bigINT, @o3 bigINT, @o4 bigINT, @base bigINT SELECT @o1 = CONVERT(INT, PARSENAME(@ip, 4)), @o2 = CONVERT(INT, PARSENAME(@ip, 3)), @o3 = CONVERT(INT, PARSENAME(@ip, 2)), @o4 = CONVERT(INT, PARSENAME(@ip, 1)) IF (@o1 BETWEEN 0 AND 255) AND (@o2 BETWEEN 0 AND 255) AND (@o3 BETWEEN 0 AND 255) AND (@o4 BETWEEN 0 AND 255) BEGIN SET @rv = (@o1 * 16777216)+ (@o2 * 65536) + (@o3 * 256) + (@o4) END ELSE SET @rv = -1 RETURN @rv END go drop function dbo.ipIntToString go CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ipIntToString ( @ip bigINT ) RETURNS CHAR(15) AS BEGIN DECLARE @o1 bigINT, @o2 bigINT, @o3 bigINT, @o4 bigINT IF ABS(@ip) > 4294967295 RETURN '' SET @o1 = @ip / 16777216 IF @o1 = 0 SELECT @o1 = 255, @ip = @ip + 16777216 ELSE IF @o1 < 0 BEGIN IF @ip % 16777216 = 0 SET @o1 = @o1 + 256 ELSE BEGIN SET @o1 = @o1 + 255 IF @o1 = 128 SET @ip = @ip + 2147483648 ELSE SET @ip = @ip + (16777216 * (256 - @o1)) END END ELSE BEGIN SET @ip = @ip - (16777216 * @o1) END SET @ip = @ip % 16777216 SET @o2 = @ip / 65536 SET @ip = @ip % 65536 SET @o3 = @ip / 256 SET @ip = @ip % 256 SET @o4 = @ip RETURN CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), @o1) + '.' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), @o2) + '.' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), @o3) + '.' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), @o4) END