Staying one step ahead

I have always used public transportation, so I have no issues with my bike/bus/metro commute in the morning but with the gas price above $4 more people are starting to switch from driving to using a bike, the buses or the metro.

I suffered through Metro’s multiple issues on the metro over the last couple weeks with the hope that less people will be using it now that schools and universities are out, but that doesn’t seem to happening, in fact the over crowding on the platforms and the rail cars is getting worse.

I mentioned before that I have seen more people biking on the streets round Herndon. Now a new twist, just in the last 2 weeks the bike rack space at the Herndon Monroe park and ride has become very tight and I expect this will only get worse now that they have started a major rebhab of the parking lot which will significantly reduce the number available car parking spaces.

So how do I stay a head of the curve. My current plan is to cut out metro (also the most expense park of my commute) and turn my bike/bus/metro commute into a bike/bus/bike commute. This will save me $6 a day in fares and hopefully mean I drop some extra weight.

Today was the second time I did this commute and here are my stats from west falls church to dc, total time 45 mins, Avg speed 13.5, distance 10.39, Max 32 mph, total miles on my new specialized 4300 134.4. A shower and a change of clothes later and I am a happy camper at work.