Self Service Drinks on the W&OD

A self service cart appeared some time last week at the Big W&OD sign just before route 29. This morning on my morning commute I saw a gentleman emptying the payment box so I stopped to ask some questions. He is running the cart with his son who is learning who to be an entrepreneur. Before they could start selling soda they needed to be become licensed and have the cart inspected. They tired first putting it close to the East Falls Church metro but WMATA were concerned about it being a terrorist threat. I asked if they were making money and he grinned and said that loss from theft is small compared to the effort and time needed to keep is stocked. As I biked away I realized I forgot to ask the gentleman’s name….

One thought on “Self Service Drinks on the W&OD”

  1. Nice idea but with the way inflation is going, he’s going to have to start charging more than a dollar.

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