More presents. I am not quite sure what my parents were thinking, but I got a cheque for 3 pound 50. This is a cheque that I talked to my mum about a long time ago and the agreement was that she would pay it into my bank of Scotland chequing account, but here it is sitting on my desk…… I also got a book by michael lewis, the future just happened. “With his knowing eye and wicked pen, Michael Lewis reveals how much the internet boom has encouraged great changes in the way we live, work, and think…..” I don’t think I am in the right mood to read this just yet. Be careful what you tell your parents. I told them that I have been going through a celtic/scottish music phase, so now I have a couple more CD’s one is for doing scottish country dancing too, the other is celtic music, I haven’t listened to them but I might need a partner to test the dancing one.
The last thing in my package other than the various credit card statements random bits of paper is a books on the history of Irn Bru. I just learned that during the war soft drinks were rationed and the manufacturers were told to make concentrate juice like orange squash. “The government encouraged concentrate (squash) production because it would save resources (being diluted five times before consumption, leading to saving in fuel – less deliveries and less consumer visits to the shops). The Second World War thus resulted in a large and unique mass market for concentrates in the UK”
That was one of the things that amazed me when I first moved to the US. I wondered why I couldn’t buy orange concentrate. I have learned to live with this but I always wondered why everything in america was sold in large un concentrated form.
I am going out tonight with HY and her roommates. I better finish eating and get over there