I seem to be surprising a lot of my friends that haven’t seen me for a long time. I now have long hair. Last time I had long hair was at university, I cut it short before i started interviewing for jobs.
I have more or less done my federal tax. I think my refund is going to get me the 12.1 inch G4 power book …… drool. I am not in a big rush to add computer number 7 to my house hold (8 if you count my tivo) So if you spot any specials on them let me know.

3 thoughts on “”

  1. Glad to see the price of Apple stuff come down….I also have a dual processor G4 desktop machine, with a 22 inch cinema screen. When I bought the latter it cost $2400…..now the 23 inch has dropped from 3.5k to $2000….a bargin!!!

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