So what should i do…..

So what should i do…..

My phone keeps locking up, not the sporadic rebooting I have come to live with in return for not being ensnared by windows mobile’s need to use a stylus for everything.

Instead it just hangs somewhere between 1xrtt and EVDO, no calls, no data, no email till I turn the radio on and off.

Should I kick the phone to the curb, and let it be another victim of Palm OS which has been due for replacement for years?

Should I try upgrading the firmware to that final verizon patch I have been ignoring?

Should I persevere and wait to see what palm is coming out with their New-ness announcement tomorrow in the hope that version 1 will be bug free and stable.

Or do I give the finger to verizon and go get an android G1 phone, with all its openness but with that uncomfortable right hand bump out when typing on the keyboard.