Fun week end, out for dinner Friday night and a few drinks. Saturday did some stuff and went looking for Camera shops in Baltimore. I found 2 one was closed and the other open. I played with the nikon coolpix 5700 mmm nice camera but I don’t think I am ready for the price tag yet. I think I might get another N80 body first. It would be cool to be able to keep a roll of black and white and colour at the same time. Its is very rare that I feel like taking a whole role of black and white. Saturday night was spent playing HY new xbox. I think she is going to spent all week playing so she will be able to kick my ass. Then Sunday morning more Xbox then dinner and a couple beers 🙂
I have also been playing around with way to read a file off of a remote computers hard drive using internet explorer. This would mean either getting someone to open a web page you control or if some ones webmail service is lame then just get them to open an email. All fun stuff. Disable java until that little puppy is fixed.